3 County Fair Youth Demolition Derby

Basic Rules

  • One (1) Driver and One (1) Mentor per entry. each driver must have a mentor with them in passenger seat mentor must 21.  Both must sign release form before entering event grounds.
  • Drivers must be 10 to 16 and 1/2 and have  both parents, with one present, sign a release form.
  • Drivers must be tall enough to reach pedals and have good view thru windshield. Will also need to demonstrate ability to control car.
  • Event participants cannot be employees of Skyfire Productions.LLC

Entry Fee 40.00 + $2.00 Online Convenience Fee

If not paying online right now, registration fee may be in the form of cash or money order or certified check only. Return completed application with payment to race grounds check-in, or send to Skyfire Productions, 83 Greenfield Road, Leyden, MA 01301.

Driver Information


Vehicle Information

Number painted on vehicle

Mentor Information

Mento must be at least 21. 


I have read the Skyfire rules and regulations and will accept the decision of the event director as final, and I understand I will use the event grounds as directed in its shape. I agree to have my vehicle at the arena and signed in 90 minutes before event start, no refunds for late arrivals.

Write your full name and check the box below in lieu of your signature.

Check to Confirm*